Serigne Mactar Bâ, from Senegal, is an electromechanical engineer who has designed, manufactured and improved, since the year 2000, a series of rockets named Skimikamiya. His rockets can reach ballistic distances of more than 14 kilometers and altitudes between 5 and 6 kilometers. Actually the real distances are now classified or top secret. These rockets are technologically advanced weapons and were conceived with local technology (watch below videos to find out more).
Their speed, stability, robustness and the materials used have been improved continually. The Skimikamiya rockets are waterproof and can be launched anywhere and anytime. As for the warhead, adjustments have increased the versatility of embarked payloads. This enables the device to carry solid, liquid or gas masses.

Source: Skimikamiya Industries
This engineer has also manufactured a 12.7 mm machine gun, as well as an armored turret which could equip civilian 4x4 vehicles with a Machine Gun mounted on the back. These vehicles are called Technicals or Non-Standard Tactical Vehicles (NSTV). This turret enables the shooter to be less at risk, contrary to the majority of NSTVs where the shooter is not protected by an armored equipment (thus permanently at risk).
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