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Jerome Munyangi Wa Nkola, from Congo-Kinshasa (DRC), has developed a tea infusion out of Artemisia that cures uncomplicated malaria cases. He used Artemisia annua (from China) and Artemisia afra (from Africa) to make the infusions. The results he obtained prove that Artemisia, as an infusion, has a better cure rate compared to ACTs (Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy) which are drugs manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry. The latter contain artemisinin which is also derived from the Artemisia plant, but combined with other anti-malaria drugs.

In a large scale experiment carried out in 2015 in the province of Maniema, in DRC, Dr Jerome Munyangi and Dr Michel Idumbo were able to gather 943 patients, of which 472 took an ACT (more precisely ASAQ or Artesunate/Amoniaquine) and 471 took Artemisia tea infusions. There were two subsets of patients who took Artemisia. One subset took Artemisia annua the other one Artemisia afra.

The clinical results showed that 79.5% of patients who took ASAQ were cured, but all parasites (plasmodium falciparum) were not killed. Also, about 43% of the patients experienced adverse side effects. On the contrary, there was a combined cure rate of 99.5% for those who took the Artemisia tea infusions and only 5% side effects.

Established institutions, which have become the clergy of medical prescriptions, are religiously fighting these results despite the fact that those who conducted the study just know medicine as well as the clergymen of the pharmaceutical industry, among others. Indeed, Dr Jerome Munyangi is not the first scientist who has worked on Artemisia tea infusions. The good news is that all other studies do prove that Artemisia is better than the drugs manufactured by “Big Pharma”.

African scientists are not less competent than other scientists in the world. If they tell us that there is a cure, almost free of charge, to cure malaria, it is high time such solutions be widespread across Africa.
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