Colbert Tchakounte, from Cameroon, has designed and developed the Tchak’s TV Guard which is an automatic plug/unplug device of the coaxial cable (TV antenna) that he patented with the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI). The patent was filed under Number 1200900409 on December 08, 2009 and granted under number 14916 on December 30, 2010.

Source: Colbert Tchakounte
The Tchak’s TV Guard can automatically disconnect the coaxial cable (TV antenna) from the TV tuner card whenever there is a blackout, a voltage drop, a power surge (due to lightening) or an unstable power supply (below 110 V or above 250 V).
Connected to the TV antenna plug and the TV set power source, this device monitors the voltage level of the power source and delays power supply by 15 seconds before transferring it to different types of appliances: TVs, DVD players, amplifiers, TV boxes, etc. During blackouts, the device, which is also a lamp, will light up and illuminate the room where it is located for about 6 hours.